A Quick Distinction: Machine Vision versus Computer Vision

A Quick Distinction: Machine Vision versus Computer Vision

Technology moves a thousand miles a minute, and it’s difficult to stay up to date. New words are added to the dictionary and new phrases constantly enter the lexicon. Two such phrases are computer vision and machine vision. They’re used interchangeably, but they...

Flying Cars Take Off, Weathering FAA Turbulence

It lasted all of 53 seconds, and reached a height of just 16 feet, but aerospace experts agreed that the maiden voyage of the Airbus Vahana flying car may have been the first step in a great leap that changes how humans get around. It’s not so much the Vahana’s...

Non-Optical Glass Components and Their Uses

When you think of glass components, you think of those with optical applications – those used to split, diffuse, bend, reflect or otherwise alter light wavelengths. These include mirrors, prisms, wedges, cylindrical lenses, wedges, etc. But glass is not only used to...

Custom Sapphire Windows: Why We Supply Industry Leaders

Sapphire is one of nature’s hardest materials. The durability and scratch resistance of custom sapphire windows make them a critical component in many consumer products, from watches and glasses to cell phone screens. They are also used in the medical industry, the...